The Process
The vast majority of Craig Tracy's paintings are authentic bodypaintings captured photographically without any substantial digital or non-digital manipulation. Some of his bodypaintings incorporate a backdrop. These backdrops are created and or meticulously hand painted by the artist in advance of actual bodypainting.
South China Tiger Project
Kindred Spirit
“I consider all of my work to be paintings even when referencing the photographic or printed images of my work.” ~ C.T.
This exact concept is commonly respected in realm of music. A song is a song regardless of it being performed live or listened to from an audio recording. Music is simply music and neither time or method lessens that fact.
The artists often states that Bodypainting is very much like creating music especially when considering the passionate and ephemeral nature of both. “I consider my bodypaintings to be visual songs that I sing only once so that they can then be shared and appreciated throughout a lifetime.” ~ Craig Tracy